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EMG Guided Therapy for Swallowing

Your speech & language therapist has recommended therapy for your swallowing with EMG guidance.

What is EMG guided swallow therapy?

The equipment you will be using with the team uses surface electromyography (EMG) to provide you with feedback about your swallow. During the sessions you will work on exercises to improve your swallowing whilst getting feedback on a computer screen.

Why have I been referred for this therapy?

You have been referred to the speech and language therapy department because you have had some difficulties swallowing. The therapist has identified specific aspects of your swallowing which need rehabilitation to ensure your swallow is as safe and effective as possible.

Where will the therapy take place?

The EMG therapy will take place in the Speech Therapy treatment room or at your bed space.

What happens during the therapy?

A Speech and Language Therapist trained in swallowing difficulties will explain the therapy. They will place a sticky electrode patch to the swallow muscles – most likely under your chin – and connect the patch to the EMG unit with cables. They will ask you to carry out various swallowing activities and/or exercises and you will see audio and visual feedback of your performance on the computer screen. The feedback will give you targets to work towards to improve the safety and efficacy of your swallow.

When will I know the result?

Your Speech and Language Therapist will give you feedback at the end of each session.

Is the procedure uncomfortable? Is it safe?

The procedure is safe and comfortable and we follow an evidence based protocol devised by The Rose Centre for Stroke Recovery and Research ( It may take some time to find the optimal position for the electrodes. You may have some sticky residue on your skin when the electrodes are removed. The staff will monitor your skin condition. You can stop at any time.

How long will it take?

The sessions will be up to 45 mins long.

Can I eat before my appointment?

Unless you have been advised otherwise you can continue to eat and drink as usual. If you are feeding through a tube, you can continue your feeds up to the session.

Who do I contact if I have questions or concerns?

Please contact the Speech Therapy Department on the number at the top of this leaflet. Alternatively, ask a member of staff to contact the department to request a further visit from the Speech Therapist.

Tel: 0151 529 5593

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