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Jon Smith - Neuropsychiatry Advanced Nurse Practitioner

[Image - WALTON CENTRE May 2022 0118]

How long have you worked at The Walton Centre?
I've been here at The Walton Centre since early 2019. I joined the Trust as Neuropsychiatry Specialist Nurse and over the past year and a half became the Advanced Nurse Practitioner within the Neuropsychiatry Team. My time at the Trust has gone very quickly!

What’s your background?
I qualified as a Registered Nurse in Mental Health in 2010. For the first nine years of my career I worked at another local NHS Trust in acute psychiatry inpatient wards before I begun working in liaison psychiatry at the Royal Liverpool Hospital, which prepared me well to work with patients experiencing symptoms of mental illness in acute hospital settings.

Tell us about your role.
My role includes both clinical and managerial responsibilities. Clinically I'm able to assess, treat and monitor inpatients and outpatients whilst I'm also able to lead the team. It’s a nice mix as I'm able to continue to work with patients but also our amazing staff.

What would you be if you were not in your current role?
When I was younger, I always wanted to be an ice cream man! I think now as an adult if I wasn’t doing my job, I guess I’d still choose to work for the NHS but maybe in staff health and wellbeing.

Favourite part of your job?
The best part of my job is working with staff and patients right across the Trust. In Neuropsychiatry we cover WCFT and CMRN so I get to meet a lot of patients and colleagues. Walton does feel like a family and I've learnt so much here.

What's the first thing you do when you get home from work?
I walk my dog Elsie. She’s a little Pug who’s always very excited when I get home so takes up all my attention.

What would be your perfect day outside of work?
First off, a sleep in! Then seeing my family, especially my two nephews. I like relaxing days outside in nice weather and eating out.

What’s your favourite song and film?
Hmm, my favourite song at the minute is ‘All for you’ by Cian Ducrot. But I'm always listening to music so it changes a lot.

If you could have a pint or pizza with anyone in history, who would it be?
Meat Loaf – (my Dad always seemed to be listening to his music when I was a kid). I’d just have a lot of questions for him.