Dr Sandeep Lakhani

About Sandeep Lakhani

Dr Sandeep Lakhani undertook anaesthesia training in Mumbai, India from 1996 to 1999 before moving to Liverpool in 2000 where he joined the anaesthesia training programme in Mersey Deanery. In 2007 he was appointed as a Consultant Anaesthetist with specialist interest in Neuroanaesthesia at The Walton Centre. In addition to his clinical role, Dr Lakhani also has management responsibilities at The Walton Centre. He was the Clinical Director for Neuroanaesthesia and Critical Care from 2012 to 2019 and is currently the Divisional Clinical Director, Neurosurgical division.


Neuroanaesthesia and intensive care medicine



Clinical/research interests

Anaesthesia for neuro-oncology

Management of subarachnoid hemorrhage and traumatic brain injury

Membership of professional regional and national bodies

Chair, Clinical Leaders in Anaesthesia Network Executive Committee, RCOA

Member, ACSA Committee, RCOA

Specialist Advisor, CQC

Related Services

Critical Care - Horsley Ward

The Horsley Intensive Care Unit consists of 20 beds

Surgical, Medical, Acute Response Team (SMART)

SMART manage acute and deteriorating patients across The Walton Centre

Neuroanaesthesia and Critical Care

The Department of Neuroanaesthesia and Critical Care consists of specialist doctors in the field of neuro-anaesthesia and intensive care medicine. Approximately half of the consultants also work on the Critical Care Unit at The Walton Centre.

Page last updated: 12 August 2021