Walton Centre is rated 'outstanding' in NHS openness league table
Date: 10 March 2016
The Walton Centre has been rated as outstanding in a NHS league table that lists organisations on their level of openness and transparency.
The ‘Learning from Mistakes’ league table was drawn together by scoring NHS provider organisations based on the fairness and effectiveness of procedures for reporting errors; near misses and incidents; staff confidence and security in reporting unsafe clinical practice; and the percentage of staff who feel able to contribute towards improvements at their trust.
The data for 2015/16 was drawn from the 2015 NHS staff survey and from the National Reporting and Learning System.
The Walton Centre was among 18 providers out of more than 200 Trusts to be graded as ‘outstanding’; 102 were good; 78 gave cause for significant concern and 32 had a poor reporting culture.
Director of Nursing Hayley Citrine said: “We are really pleased to be rated as outstanding. At The Walton Centre, we’ve done number of things to ensure our staff feel comfortable about raising concerns.
“We want to create a culture where staff feel confident to raise concerns, where staff are listened to, and actions are taken. We actively promote staff engagement and regularly hold staff listening weeks to ensure we are getting quality feedback that can shape future care.
“We also have forums called Berwick Sessions which are opportunities to discuss areas we perform well in and areas where we can make further improvements. Openness and transparency are very important to us and are part of our value system we call The Walton Way.”
View the league table at www.gov.uk/government/publications/learning-from-mistakes-league.
- Summary:
The Walton Centre has been rated as outstanding in a NHS league table that lists organisations on their level of openness and transparency.