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Your consultant has asked for Neurophysiology staff to monitor you during your Microvascular Decompression operation. During the operation the nerve that supplies your hearing is monitored to minimize any risk of hearing loss. 

Prior to your surgery, we undertake a basic hearing test (known as audiometry) 

What is Neurophysiology?

Neurophysiology is the study of the nervous system, looking at function of brain, spinal cord and nerves. 

What does the testing involve?

The team member will monitor your hearing levels, this is a non-invasive testing. You will be given a set of headphones and you will need to press a button whenever you hear a noise (tone), these noises will be at different sound levels and the testing is undertaken to identify the quietest noise you hear. 

The testing period only takes approximately 20 minutes. 

This information is useful for your operation as we can change stimulation intensity used during your MVD operation (see MVD patient information leaflet). 

How will the results assist my treatment?

This monitoring allows for safer surgery. 

Are there any risks? 

None from the Neurophysiology monitoring. 

What are the consequences of not having this pre-operative testing? 

There are no major consequences to not having this testing.

If you experience any changes to your hearing following your surgery, your surgeon may request follow up testing, this allows us to compare pre and post surgery. 

What happens after the monitoring? 

You are free to carry on with your normal daily activities. 

  • Last Updated:
    01 January 2023
  • Review Date:
    01 January 2026
  • Author:
    Beverley Haworth, Neurophysiology Department
  • Summary:

    The team member will monitor your hearing levels, this is a non-invasive testing.

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