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Dr Ian Scott

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About Ian Scott

Dr Ian Scott is a Consultant Neuropathologist at The Walton Centre. He received his medical training in Oxford and at the London Hospital Medical College, before completing speciality training at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, Addenbrooke’s Hospital and the Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham. He has been a Consultant Neuropathologist since 2006; with previous posts at the Hull Royal Infirmary and the Queen’s Medical Centre, before moving to The Walton Centre in June 2023.

Dr Scott provides a diagnostic neuropathology service to The Walton Centre and the wider area and provides a referral practice in pituitary pathology. He is a member of the neuro-oncology, muscle and pituitary MDTs. He is a central review pathologist for clinical trials.


Diagnostic Neuropathology with a special interest in academic pathology







FRC Path


Clinical/research interests

Dr Scott holds a DPhil research degree in neuroendocrinology from the Department of Human Anatomy, University of Oxford and an MD degree in cell cycle research from the MRC Cancer Cell Unit, University of Cambridge. He is an Honorary Clinical Reader at the University of Hull and, prior to moving to The Walton Centre, was Honorary Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham.

His research interests include glioma biology, neuroendocrinology, pituitary pathology and the metabolic biochemistry of tumours. Some of this work, in collaboration with the University of Hull, utilises microfluidic “Lab on a Chip” technology. He has authored over 40 peer reviewed papers and 50 conference abstracts (ORCID 0000-0003-1266-9521). He is co-author of an undergraduate textbook of pathology. Recent publications include:

1) Chapman, R., Ghasemi, D.R., Andreiuolo, F., Zschernack, V., Tauziede-Esparat, A., Buttarelli, F., Giangaspero, F., Grill, J., Haberler, C., Paine, S.M.L., Scott, I.S., Jacques, T.S., Sill, M., Pfister, S., Kilday, J-P., Leblond, P., Massimino, M., Witt, H., Modena, P., Varlet, P., Pietsch, T., Grundy, R.G., Pajtler, K.W., Ritzmann, T. (2023). Optimising biomarkers for accutate ependymoma diagnosis, prognostication and stratification within International Clinical Trials: A BIOMECA study. Neuro-Oncology, In Press, June 2023.

2) Barry, A., Samuel, S.F., Hosni, I., Moursi, A., Feugere, L., Sennett, C.J., Deepak, S., Achawal, s., Rajaraman, C., Iles, A., Wollenberg-Valero, K.C., Scott, I.S., Green, V.L., Stead, L.F., Greenman, J., Wade, M.A., Beltran-Alvarez, P. (2023). Investigating the effects of arginine methylation inhibitors on microdissected brain tumour biopsies maintained in a miniaturised perfusion system. Lab on a Chip, In Press, May 2023.

3) Stevens, A., Lowe, J.S., & Scott, I.S. (2008). Core Pathology. 3rd Edition. Mosby Elsevier, London.

Membership of professional regional and national bodies

Page last updated: 19 July 2023