The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust is committed to the protection and safety of all patients, their families/carers and staff.
The Trust has robust policies and procedures in place agreed by the Trust Board and external bodies, for example, the CQC and local safeguarding boards.
Named individuals have responsibility for ensuring safeguarding matters are managed and escalated appropriately, both internally and externally.
The Safeguarding team are available Monday to Friday from 9am - 5pm, excluding bank holidays, and consists of the Safeguarding Matron who holds responsibility for Safeguarding, Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) Learning Disabilities and Dementia, a Specialist Safeguarding and MCA Nurse and a Safeguarding and DOLS Administrator.
The team can be contacted on the duty phone 07929763709 or via the dedicated email account
All staff at The Walton Centre are required to undergo safeguarding training which is determined nationally and locally.
There are policies and procedures available for staff to access to enable them to respond appropriately to any safeguarding concern that may arise.
As a team, we provide support in the following areas:
- Safeguarding adults including MCA and DOLS, learning disabilities, dementia, domestic abuse and prevent.
- Safeguarding children including learning disabilities, child sexual exploitation, harmful practices and referrals to social care.
Page last updated: 11 August 2022