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Pressure ulcer prevention

Pressure ulcer prevention
The purpose of this leaflet is to provide you and your carer information on pressure ulcers (often known as bed sores or pressure sores), how they develop, and how to prevent them. This leaflet is a guide and often your treatment will be more detailed. You may want to discuss this with your nurse.

What is a pressure ulcer?
A pressure ulcer or bed sore is damage that occurs on the skin and underlying tissue, due to a lack of blood and oxygen supply.

Signs of pressure damage may include:

Are you at risk?

Anyone can get a pressure ulcer particularly people with poor mobility who spend lots of time in bed or in a chair.

People at risk include those with the following health issues:

Moist skin
You may be at increased risk if your skin is too damp, e.g., incontinence. Therefore it is important that skin is kept clean and dry.

The most common places at risk of pressure damage are the bony parts of your body (marked here in blue)

Be aware that some essential devices can cause pressure damage

How can I prevent pressure damage?

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