Dr Jon Taylor

About Jon Taylor

Dr Jon Taylor is a Consultant in Neuroanaesthesia and Critical Care at The Walton Centre. He trained in Merseyside and Cheshire, graduating from Liverpool Medical School in 2010. During his anaesthetics training, he completed a year-long fellowship in simulation and medical education, and a six month out of program placement in emergency medicine, both at Aintree University Hospital.

He completed advanced anaesthetics modules in major trauma, transfer, head and neck surgery, airway and neuro-anaesthesia and critical care.

Away from The Walton Centre, Jon works for the ambulance service as a major incident doctor and a volunteer responder, and is also a volunteer responder for Cheshire Search and Rescue.


Anaesthetics and Critical Care 



Clinical/research interests

Major trauma

Pre-hospital care



Medical education


Critical care

Membership of professional regional and national bodies

General Medical Council

Royal College of Anaesthetists

Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine

Academy of Medical Educators

Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care (RCSEd)

Neuro Anaesthesia and Critical Care Society (NACCS)

Related Services

Critical Care - Horsley Ward

The Horsley Intensive Care Unit consists of 20 beds

Neuroanaesthesia and Critical Care

The Department of Neuroanaesthesia and Critical Care consists of specialist doctors in the field of neuro-anaesthesia and intensive care medicine. Approximately half of the consultants also work on the Critical Care Unit at The Walton Centre.

Page last updated: 25 February 2022