Visiting times

All wards have the same visiting times: 10am to 7.30pm (flexible visiting can be arranged via the appropriate Ward Manager).
The exception to this is:
- Horsley Intensive Care Unit: 11am - 2pm and 4pm - 7pm
- The High Dependency Unit: 1pm - 3pm and 5pm - 7pm
2pm – 3pm is a quiet time and there is no visiting during this time on any ward except in exceptional circumstances.
(Flexibility can be allowed depending on circumstance, please discuss this with the relevant Matron or Unit Coordinator)
We ask all our visitors to respect our visiting times. This allows us to ensure that the patients receive privacy when washing, dressing, eating and receiving treatment and care. It also ensures that all patients get the rest that is so important in aiding their recovery.
Should your family have difficulty visiting during these times, please speak to the Ward Sister to make alternative arrangements where possible. Families and friends are asked not to stay too long and no more than two visitors are allowed per bed at any one time.
Please ensure that you wash and gel your hands before entering any of the wards, Horsley Intensive Care Unit and the High Dependency Unit.
Visitors may be asked to leave if patients in the bay are undergoing: examinations, further tests, therapy (including physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy) or scans.
Guide dogs are permitted to accompany visitors on all wards.
Page last updated: 15 April 2024