Walton Centre team take on a marathon effort
Date: 12 July 2021

A team of staff and supporters from The Walton Centre will be taking on the Virtual Virgin London Marathon later this year, to raise money for The Walton Centre Charity and support excellence in neuroscience, and patient treatment and care.
The team, spearheaded by new Chief Executive Jan Ross, will run a bespoke 26.2 mile route through the suburbs and centre of Liverpool, starting and finishing at The Walton Centre’s site in Fazakerly. They are raising money for the Home from Home relatives’ accommodation at The Walton Centre where relatives can stay after a patient has been admitted for urgent treatment.
It’s the first time The Walton Centre Charity has received places in the event and the team runners are looking forward to taking part.
Jan Ross, Chief Executive, said, “It’s going to be a massive challenge but I’m really looking forward to joining our other runners and getting out there in October to raise money for this fantastic cause. The Home from Home service ensures the families of our patients can stay in a safe environment, close to their loved ones. I’m very proud to be raising money to support this – it’s such a vital service for the hospital.”
Fran Redmond, 25, (pictured above, right) is a former patient of The Walton Centre and will be taking part in the Virtual Virgin London Marathon to say thank you to the hospital that saved his life.
In August 2016, after two weeks of headaches, insomnia and dizziness, he was diagnosed with an acute subdural haematoma and subarachnoid cyst. He said, “Thanks to the incredible work of The Walton Centre, hours in the operating room at the hands of my consultant Ms Catherine McMahon and the incredible clinical teams I was able to have my haematoma successfully treated.
“I cannot thank the staff at The Walton Centre enough for what they did for me, as without them I would genuinely not be here today. The road to recovery was a long one and I will never forget what happened and how that changed my entire life. I have two lovely scars on my head to forever remind me of the sanctity of life, how precious life really is and of the incredible work The Walton Centre.
“I’ve done some other runs to raise money for the Charity so being part of the London Marathon team felt like a natural step to say thank you to the hospital that saved my life, and support others like myself in their time of need.”
The Walton Centre Charity team in full is Jan Ross, Chief Executive; Laura Abernethy, Patient Access and Performance Director; Frank Burns, Operational Services Manager; Evie Danaher, Physiotherapist; Mia Hyatt, IT engineer; Andy Napier, Library Clerk; Harry Hodgson, Library Clerk; Fran Redmond, former patient; and James Vaile, Charity supporter (above, left).
To follow the progress of the team and support their fundraising, visit https://www.thewaltoncentrecharity.org/virtual-london-marathon-runners or follow us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.
Notes to editors
Further information, or to arrange a visit contact the Communications Team on 0151 556 3397 or email wcf-tr.waltoncentre.communications@nhs.net.
The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust is the only hospital trust in the UK specialising in neurology, neurosurgery and pain services. It has twice been rated as ‘Outstanding’ by the Care Quality Commission. Although the majority of patients come from Merseyside, Cheshire, North Wales, Lancashire and the Isle of Man, for some specialist treatments of complex disorders we see patients from all parts of the country, referred by their GPs or other neurologists, neurosurgeons and pain clinicians.
For more information please visit: www.thewaltoncentre.nhs.uk or follow the Trust on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.
The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust, Lower Lane, Fazakerley, Liverpool L9 7LJ
0151 525 3611
- Summary:
A team of staff and supporters from The Walton Centre will be taking on the Virtual Virgin London Marathon later this year, to raise money for The Walton Centre Charity and support excellence in neuroscience, and patient treatment and care.