Angiogram - Advice for Going Home
Advice for patients when going home following angiogram
If the problem is considered serious, help should be sought from your local accident and emergency department immediately. Otherwise, you should contact your G.P., NHS direct or visit your local walk in centre.
- Do not strain or lift anything greater than 10lb for 7 days following angiogram
- Drink plenty of water or juice in the 24 hours following the angiogram to flush the dye from your body (about 2 litres or 10 glasses)
- Do not drive or operate machinery for 24 hours following angiogram
- Do not do any physical exercise or sexual activity for 24 hours following the angiogram.
- Keep the dressing on, clean and dry for 24 hours following the angiogram
- After 24 hours the dressing can be removed and a shower (not bath) can be taken.
- Clean and inspect the site and wash with mild soap and water. Dry and re-cover with a plaster until it is healed completely
- A bath and swimming is allowed once the site is fully healed.
- Report to your doctor if the site bleeds and not stopped after 10 minutes of firm (but not excessive) manual pressure.
- Report to your doctor if there is any swelling, change in colour (paler or darker) or change in sensation to the leg.
- Report to your doctor if there are any signs of infection such as redness, pain, swelling or pus from the site.
- Report to your doctor if there are signs of excessive new bruising (a small amount of bruising is expected from the procedure)
Contact details for verbal advice following angiogram:
SMART team can be bleeped via hospital switchboard on 0151 525 3611
Jefferson ward: (Monday - Friday 8.30am – 5 pm): 0151 529 5487
Lipton ward: 0151 529 8873
Sherrington ward: 0151 529 5641
Caton ward: 0151 529 5628
Cairns ward: 0151 529 5637
Dott ward: 0151 529 5634
Customer care team (who offer a PALS service) 0151 529 6100
Neurovascular Nurses; 0151 556 3325 (non urgent) or via bleep through switchboard
- Last Updated:01 October 2021
- Review Date:01 October 2025
- Author:Stoneley, Catherine
- Summary:
Advice for patients when going home following angiogram