Neurological Long Term Conditions - Neuromuscular Team
What is the Neuromuscular Service?
The Neuromuscular service consists of Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists, Neuromuscular Nurse Specialist and Neuromuscular Advisors.
We are an Outpatient team who are based at the Walton Centre and see patients in clinic. If you require therapy at home we can refer you to local services.
We see anyone that has a Consultant at the Walton Centre and has a neuromuscular diagnosis.
When you come to see your Consultant you can also be seen by the therapists and advisors. We also run separate clinics to allow for a more detailed assessment.
Speech & Language Therapy
What is a Speech & Language Therapist?
Some neuromuscular conditions can affect swallowing and communication. Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) support people with changes in speech and communication, through the use of a range of therapy techniques or technologies to support or replace spoken communication. We also support people with swallowing difficulties (dysphagia) to eat, drink and swallow safely, reducing the risk of choking or chest infections, and helping to improve quality of life.
How can a Speech & Language Therapist help me manage my long term condition?
We can discuss any concerns you have regarding your speech and/or swallowing & complete an initial assessment; this may involve looking at the muscles you use to speak & swallow, as well as asking you to eat & drink something.
We can provide advice on a range of issues relating to your communication or swallowing including:
- Coughing and choking when eating and drinking or feeling like food or drink is ‘getting stuck’
- Changes to your voice
- Difficulties in producing speech due to weakness in the muscles
- High tech or paper-based Alternative or augmentative communication (AAC)
- Voice and message banking for progressive conditions
- Facial palsy
- Managing saliva
We can make referrals for you to local SLT services and instrumental assessments (i.e. videoflouroscopy).
Occupational Therapy
What is an Occupational Therapist?
Occupational therapists work in a variety of settings. The aim in the neuromuscular setting is to provide practical support to enable you to maintain your independence and overcome any barriers that prevent you from doing the activities (occupations) that matter to you. The goal is for you to feel empowered to manage your long term condition.
How can an Occupational Therapist help me manage my long term condition?
There are many different ways in which an Occupational Therapist can work with you. Key areas that may be discussed are:
- Developing your skills, knowledge and confidence in managing your condition to maintain participation in the activities you want to do.
- Analysing where you are completing the task and if there are any barriers and ways to adapt this to continue to participate.
- Considering how you approach completing an activity. This may or may not require a discussion about equipment.
- Exploring ways to participate in an activity in the most effective way.
- Providing symptom specific advice and education; for example fatigue, stress and relaxation, changes in hand function.
- Engaging in education and support to other health professionals that you are working with.
- Referral to local services if you require assessment in your own home or other relevant services.
What is a Physiotherapist?
Physiotherapists help people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advice. They maintain health for people of all ages, helping patients to manage pain and prevent disease.
How can a Physiotherapist help me manage my long term condition?
- Asses and explain physical symptoms and how these can be managed proactively throughout the course of the condition.
- Explore the use of certain orthotics and refer appropriately.
- Help to manage falls risk., Advice re:walking aids.
- Manual therapies.
- Advice on exercise for health and more specific exercises.
- Education and support to other professionals that you are working with.
- Refer to local physiotherapy services if multiple treatment sessions are required or it is more appropriate for you to be seen in your own home.
Neuromuscular Advisors
How can a Neuromuscular Advisor help me?
Neuromuscular advisors provide practical and emotional support for families affected by neuromuscular conditions. They offer advice and information to support physical and emotional wellbeing. Neuromuscular advisors can also provide condition-specific information to families, schools and colleges, employers or other professionals. They can offer advice on benefits and other entitlements. They work in partnership with statutory service providers, education authorities and other professionals to provide an holistic approach to patient-centred care.
Neuromuscular Nurse
Self-refer to telephone clinics
Our Neuromuscular specialist nurse is available for advice and support of patients with neuromuscular conditions. If you have any concerns about your symptoms or condition you can call and speak to an advisor who will book a telephone call back with the neuromuscular nurse. (please note this service is non-urgent only and call backs will be usually within 24-48 hours).
Contact Details
You can reach us on the numbers below and if you cannot speak to us directly, please leave a message and we will get back to you either the same day or as soon as possible. We can discuss your concern via telephone or you can have a one to one appointment with us.
Occupational Therapist
Rebecca Flesher
0151 556 3741
Nicola White & Thomas Green
0151 556 3741
Speech & Language Therapist
Mel Taylor
0151 556 3207
Neuromuscular Advisors
Alison Brown, Shirley Crosby & Alison Sutch
0151 252 5451
Neuromuscular Nurse
Cathy Prescott
0151 556 4008
- Last Updated:01 December 2024
- Review Date:02 December 2026
- Author:S. Greenwood-Davies, R. Flesher, M. Ennis, C. Prescott, N. White & T. Green
- Summary:
The Neuromuscular service consists of Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists, Neuromuscular Nurse Specialist and Neuromuscular Advisors.