Patient Information Leaflets

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  • First Seizure

    This leaflet contains information for those who have had a suspected seizure. It is also useful for family, friends or those who care for a person who has had a seizure for the first time.  

  • Flunarizine

    You have been given a medicine called flunarizine which has been used in medical practice for over 25 years. It belongs to a group of medicines known as calcium channel blockers which work by preventing the narrowing of blood vessels. If you have any questions after reading this leaflet, speak to your doctor or pharmacist.

  • Functional Motor Disorder - Physiotherapy Intervention

    It is a programme that aims to help people understand the diagnosis of functional motor disorders (FMD) and learn strategies to retrain their movement.

  • Functional Neurological Disorder - Psychotherapy Service

    Sometimes FND symptoms resolve naturally when the diagnosis is explained. But, for most, psychotherapy is beneficial, and is the recommended treatment for FND.

  • Halo jacket system

    The system you are wearing is called a halo jacket system and is specifically designed to hold your neck still whilst the bones in your neck heal, in a similar way to how a broken leg or arm would be put into plaster to stop it moving whilst it heals.

  • Hand hygiene

    Most healthcare associated infections are preventable through good hand hygiene – cleaning hands at the right time and in the right way.

  • Homecare medicines

    The homecare medicines service delivers ongoing medicines supplies and provides associated care directly to your home while you are under the care of a hospital consultant.

  • Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH)

    IIH or Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension is a condition associated with raised pressure (hypertension) in the brain (intracranial)

  • Ilioinguinal Nerve Block

    This injection can be helpful in reducing pain in the groin area. The main reason for doing this block is to reduce pain.

  • Infection prevention guidance for visitors

    As visitors you play an important role in keeping the hospital free of infection by following these guidelines.

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