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Dr Sivakumar Sathasivam
Dr Sivakumar Sathasivam is a Consultant Neurologist at The Walton Centre. He leads the MND service and specialises in neuromuscular disorders in particular myasthenia gravis.
Dr Ian Scott
Dr Ian Scott is a Consultant Neuropathologist at The Walton Centre. He provides a diagnostic neuropathology service to The Walton Centre and the wider area and a referral practice in pituitary pathology
Dr Alakendu Sekhar
Dr Alakendu Sekhar is a Consultant Neurologist at The Walton Centre.
Dr Manohar Sharma
Dr Manohar Sharma is a Consultant in Pain Medicine and Neuromodulation.
Dr Ravi Shekhar Jaipuriar
Dr Ravi Shekhar Jaipuriar is a Consultant Neurologist at The Walton Centre. He has a subspecialty interest in epilepsy.
Dr Nicholas Silver
Dr Silver established the headache service at The Walton Centre in 2004 and since that time has expanded this service to include four headache subspecialist consultants and two clinical nurse specialists.
Mr Ajay Sinha
Mr Ajay Sinha is a Consultant Neurosurgeon specialising in pituitary surgery, paediatric neurosurgery and spinal surgery.
Dr Rekha Siripurapu
Dr Rekha Siripurapu is a Consultant Neuroradiologist at The Walton Centre.
Dr David Smith
Dr David Smith is a Consultant Neurologist at The Walton Centre specialising in epilepsy.
Dr Ged Smith
Despite undertaking advanced training in neuro-anaesthesia and neuro-critical care, Dr Smith strives to maintain as broad a range of practice as possible for the benefit of patients at The Walton Centre.
Mr Oluwaseun Sobowale
Mr Oluwaseun Sobowale is a Consultant Neurosurgeon at The Walton Centre.
Professor Tom Solomon
Professor Tom Solomon co-leads the Neurological Infectious Diseases Service at the Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust and the Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Mr Nisaharan Srikandarajah
Mr Nisaharan Srikandarajah is a Consultant Neurosurgeon specialising in complex spine at The Walton Centre and an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at The University of Liverpool.
Dr Rajesha Srinivasaiah
Dr Rajesha Srinivasaiah has been working at The Walton Centre since 2010 and is currently a Consultant Anaesthetist.
Dr Malcolm Steiger
Dr Malcolm Steiger is a Consultant Neurologist at The Walton Centre.
Mr Matthew Stovell
Mr Matthew Stovell is a Consultant Neurosurgeon and Complex Spine Surgeon at The Walton Centre. He is the clinical lead for brain and spine trauma at The Walton Centre, working in partnership with rehabilitation and the Aintree Major Trauma Centre.
Dr Akshay Sule
Dr Akshay Sule is a Consultant Anaesthetist at The Walton Centre.