Patient Information Leaflets
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Multiple Sclerosis - Oral Methylprednisolone
The aim of methylprednisolone is to help reduce inflammation and speed up recovery during a relapse or exacerbation of MS symptoms.
Multiple Sclerosis - Pelvic Floor Exercises
You can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles by regular exercises.
Multiple Sclerosis - Specialist Nurse Service
The role of the MS Nurse involves offering support, advice, information, education and help to those who are affected by MS
Multiple Sleep Latency Test
The test is the standard way to measure your level of daytime sleepiness.
This is a specialist X ray test to look at the spine. It is most often used in patients who cannot have an MRI scan or where alternative test results are unclear.
Nerve Root Block Procedure
Your Consultant has requested for you to have a Nerve Root block. This is carried out in the X-Ray Department by a Consultant Radiologist, Radiology Fellow or Registrar.
Neuro Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist Team
The Clinical Nurse Specialist team are available to provide verbal and written information, support you through your operation and diagnosis and help to coordinate your care.
Neurological Long Term Conditions - Neuromuscular Team
The Neuromuscular service consists of Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists, Neuromuscular Nurse Specialist and Neuromuscular Advisors.
Neurological Long Term Conditions For Professionals
The Long term condition team consists of five Physiotherapist and four Occupational Therapist, one Orthoptist.
Neuromyelitis optica (NMOSD) - Diagnosis, symptoms, and coming to clinic
Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder (NMOSD) is a rare neurological condition. NMOSD affects the optic nerves and spinal cord, which can lead to optic neuritis and transverse myelitis. This leaflet provides information on diagnosis, symptoms, and coming to clinic for NMOSD.