Katy Walker - Advanced Critical Care Practitioner (ACCP)

How long have you worked at The Walton Centre?

I've been at The Walton Centre now for just over 10 years. 

What’s your background?

I'm a physiotherapist by background and initially specialised in ITU and respiratory outreach as part of the lovely Therapies team here. Having worked at Walton for several years, I then took a leap of faith three years ago and moved into the Advanced Critical Care Practitioner (ACCP) team as trainee, which quickly became a somewhat more challenging step than planned due to COVID! However, I've now successfully completed my Msc and clinical competencies under the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine and am a fully-fledged ACCP. 

Tell us about your role.

I work as part of the medical team on Horsley, and as an ACCP team we provide 24hr support. A typical ITU shift commences with a ward round, followed by clinical care for each patient; everything from prescribing and drug administration to line insertion, onward referrals, trips to scan, and completion of admission and discharge paperwork. Every day is varied with its own unique challenges which I love. 

We also provide a transcranial doppler service three days a week for our aneurysmal SAH patients to aid identification of early vasospasm. So a couple of times each month I escape the confines of ITU to assess ward patients! 

What would you be if you were not in your current role?

If I wasn't working as an ACCP or physio, I'd probably be involved in sports development. For me sport and exercise play a huge part in my physical and mental wellbeing, so I think it's important for it to be accessible for all. 

Favourite part of your job?

Being a small part of the Horsley team who all work together to provide optimum care for each individual patient. I'm inspired by the team work, compassion, support and resilience shown by each of my colleagues. 

What's the first thing you do when you get home from work?
A lot of the time I head straight from work to the sports courts to support netball delivery in Liverpool. And when I'm not supporting leagues, I'm usually playing! So by the time I make it home it's usually just dinner, Netflix and bed!  

What would be your perfect day outside of work?

It would have to include food and exercise in some form! So perhaps a morning gym class, lunch out with friends, an afternoon walk before dinner and a cocktail or two! 

What’s your favourite song, book and film?

Favourite song: anything by Matchbox Twenty - their songs were on repeat during my University summer holidays in California…great memories!

Book: I've just finished 'Where the Crawdads Sing' and loved it, I'd highly recommend it. 

Film: The Shawshank Redemption

  • Summary:

    I'm inspired by the team work, compassion, support and resilience shown by each of my colleagues

  • Last Updated: